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justinian said:
Mythmaker1 said:

Let's be clear on this: the Wii U is failing. It is not making money, it is not meeting Nintendo's expectations, and it's helped erode Nintendo's third-party support.

Nintendo may yet turn it around, and it's entirely possible it could later be a success. But just because something has potential to succeed later does not mean it isn't failing. I can't imagine how someone could call it a success right now, at the very least.

My thoughts are the same. Nintendo is a business and if a business is not meeting the sales expecations or not making money on a product it is failing with that product. Money matters and as it stands right now I do not see Nintendo making any on the wii u.

It depends also on what you are measuring the wii u against. If you compare the wii u against the ps3,x360 sales over the last 9months or the wii first year then it is an overwhelming failure. As for the PS4 and XBone comparison we must wait but most have a negative prediction on how this would turn out.

The next year will confirm its success or failure one way or the other but then in a years time this very question may be asked agained and the same answers given. I hope not.

For the record I measure success and failure the same way any business would. Is the product selling? Is it making money? It doesn't matter how great a product or how much an individual likes it if no one is buying it.

Amen. I'm not a huge fan of the Wii U, as a product, but that doesn't mean it can't be successful. Right now, though, it isn't. When Nintendo demonstrates it's making them money, or providing some other benefit to justify the investment, I'll call it successful.

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