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Max King of the Wild said:
Torillian said:

I'm saying Zimmerman specifically should not be allowed to carry a gun because he's already proven that he likes to put himself in harm's way and then shoot his way out when things get dangerous.  A can of pepperspray or a taser would have stopped the dude beating on him just fine without killing him.  

We've already established that Zimmerman was a shitty fighter and I doubt he's a great shot.  If someone is pointing a gun at him I'm sure he's fucked already which I mentioned before.  

So I guess what I'm saying is that people who want to play at police officer should not be carrying guns when they do so because they are untrained and more likely to do something tragic.  

He hasn't been proven of anything yet... or he would have been convicted. In the eyes of the law Zimmerman hasn't done anything wrong. Zimmerman has a choice if he wants to carry anything and he goes with a gun. Its his right as it is yours. We can't blame him for that. You might not agree with it but that doesn't mean he is wrong or that he is guilty.

Most people are shitty shots. Even cops. But I doubt hed be fucked right away. If each person is aware of the gun they would probably get a few shots off each. Both would probably be just as fucked. Watch that one video of a guy pulling an assualt rifle out on cops. He emptied his clip and took of one of the cops fingers. While 3 cops shot I want to say over 100 times and hit him 19 times and he was still going.

"Zimmerman was a wannabe cop" was a line the prosecution was trying to push... but heres the thing. There isn't anything wrong with aspiring to be a cop. So I don't see the point of bringing it up. Its really is irrelevant like most of the other things the prosecution said. And this brings me back to it being his right. When someone gets a conceal and carry permit do you want them to ask "Do you want to be a cop someday" on the application? It will never appear on it because of how irrelevant it is.

Don't care about him being guilty of murder though, I care about what's right and how things should be and that's what I'm arguing about.  He can be wrong without being guilty of murder.  

Alright, that's a good argument for why police should have guns when dealing with criminals.  But would you think it was alright for some random person walking by with a gun to get in on that firefight and try to help the police out?  To me that would be totally unacceptable and not what carrying is supposed to be about.  It's supposed to be about protecting yourself from imminent death, not about the ability to shoot your way out of any situation you get yourself into.  Police exist because they are trained in how to deal with situations like this.  I would hope that a trained police officer would not have shot Martin in the chest to end an assault.  

It's not irrelevant to my argument though, again I don't really give a crap if it's something that is irrelevant in a courtroom.  Obviously you shouldn't just put "do you want to be a cop someday" but I think it would be perfectly reasonable to have psych evaluations of some kind and if someone looks like they have a tendency for vigilantism then that should be kept in mind, or if someone is obviously mentally unstable then they should be totally denied the weapon.  On the end of vigilantism though if they prove themselves to be responsible with their weapon while playing at policeman then I don't think it's unreasonable for them to carry one, but I'd argue that ending a fist fight with a bullet in the chest proves Zimmerman is not responsible enough.  And to be honest, if he's really that much of a pantywaist as has been mentioned here before he shouldn't be following suspicious people in the first place.  Or if he's going to, he should be carrying something that can end a fistfight without a death.  
