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Anyone think Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine here and maybe doesn't realize it? A Subspace Emissary type concept expanded into a full game would be a monster franchise.

Kinda like an Infinity Gauntlet/Avengers concept for the Nintendo universe (look at what The Avengers did for Marvel movies). I think it would work better if it wasn't anchored to the Smash Bros. engine either -- the Mario 3D World engine for instance would suit a game like this better. Co-op play.

I think that would be a 10-20 million selling franchise on its own.

A main villain character causes Link/Mario/Pitt/Samus/Fox/Cap Falcon/DK/Ash/etc. all have to team up to stop him from destroying the Nintendo universe or something. Sprinkle it with references to old Nintendo products (the Famicom/NES, and so on). Like the Marvel movie concept maybe they have subtle little tie-ins to this game in regular Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/etc. games too to build it up.

Would be great I think. Maybe have small cameos from third party characters (Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Monster Hunter dude, etc.).