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This is a bad thing? SSE was easily the weakest aspect to Brawl, and I'm sure it its part of the reason why Brawl had such a prolonged dev period. I play a game to PLAY it, not WATCH it play its self. Keep it simple, its better that way. Most hours were plugged away playing the VS mode any way, and I know I'm not alone in that.

Trim the bloat, focus on the content and balancing of the characters. 

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.