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MohammadBadir 1 hour ago said:

"i think he means that the Wii U managed to get 5 million without any killer apps what so ever. and that it's comeback is upon it starting with Pikmin 3 and continuing to release compelling software with a steady rate after that. while the Vita's library is kinda fullblown and there are no big releases anytime soon. so the fact that the Wii U is on par with the Vita with barely any games makes you wonder how much it's gonna sell when the games start releasing"

Dunban67 says:

The Wii U has sold aprox 3.3 million units (Global # s) so far not 5 million - a big difference - considering the Wii U has been selling about 100,000 -125,000 (globally) per month the last 3 or 4 months -

the Wii U has still not hit Nintendo s reduced sales target (reduced from 5.5+/- million) for Spring 2013 yet - I think the reduced target was 4.4+/- million