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Dunban67 said:
WagnerPaiva 1 hour ago said:

"The WiiU is doing AMAZING considering the games it has. It is selling with 5 or 6 games really worth getting, and 3 of those are already on cheaper systems like the PS3 and the 360. And, worst of all, the WiiU version don´t even look better. All that consider, it is a freaking miracle that the system is selling this much. The Vita, with a much more compelling library, is a total freakish failure."

Dunabn67 says:

The Vita is outselling the Wii U in Japan and overall- How can you say the Vita is a failure and the wii U is dong great? Unless your post was sarcasm- After the initial Wii U launch based on the false pretense that certain launch games would actually be available and that Nintendo was actually going to doing something about getting 3rd party support- The sales for Wii U have been HORRIBLE in every market - the sales for Wii U software have been even worse save Nintendoland and Mario- does not mean Wii U can t come back but so far it has been a disaster on most every front

i think he means that the Wii U managed to get 5 million without any killer apps what so ever. and that it's comeback is upon it starting with Pikmin 3 and continuing to release compelling software with a steady rate after that. while the Vita's library is kinda fullblown and there are no big releases anytime soon. so the fact that the Wii U is on par with the Vita with barely any games makes you wonder how much it's gonna sell when the games start releasing