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Zappykins said:
Xenostar said:
Zappykins said:

Because without Kinect it's just a fancy game/media machine.  It would lose the amazing innovation that separates it from everything else in the market.  The thing that will propels us further into the future, and lead us closer to computers that we only see in Science Fiction stories.

I live with a Kinect now, and I would hate going backwards.  I feel like I'm back in the dark ages when I need to put my laptop on the TV for the one or two things I can't get on Hulu+.  Or if I go to a friends and they want me to find a movie while they are making popcorn.  I can't say, "Roku, Bing, The Mouse that Roared" and have it pull up the movie and tell me where I can watch it.  You have to flip through every single app to find what, where and how much.  It's like in a library, going back to rows and rows of card catalogs when you are use on massive online data search.

It would be like making online news papers illegal - so you could only buy the entire paper to read a single article - and all other papers.  Or have a smart phone, but all apps are illegal - including maps and directions.  Or making tablets without a touch screen and you have a little square like on some laptops.  Why would anyone want to stifle innovation?

The people that don't want it just don't know any better.  A few are tin foil hat die hards against it, and I think we just have to leave them behind.  They can't see the future, but they shouldn't be allowed to hold the rest of us back that can.  Not making Kinect Mandatory would stifle innovation, creativity, and convenience.

Fair enough, but in my eyes its just a boulder chained around its neck, the prohibitive price will just hold the console back. A peripheral that most just arent interested in. 

I get that.  Let me tell you a story.

I have a friend, let's call him Dan, that is fairly traditional that has refused to get a cell phone.  He loves classic old things and is restoring a vintage house - painstakingly very, very slowly.  He has been working on it's fancy ceiling in the 'parlor' and it's one square foot at a time.  I think the ceiling will take about a year by itself.

Now that house is in such bad shape that Dan doesn't usually stay there.  He stays a a condo he bought in town a mile or two away.  He also has another house that he had in the country when he was working full time - which is probably 20 miles away.  In addition to this, his husband has his own house that he bought before they got married.  So at any given time, he could be at one of four houses - one, at least, definitely does not have a cell phone. 

He also boast about not having a cell phone like it's a good thing.  In some way I think he feels superior to others who have 'let technology take over their lives.'  That until recently.

He got a cell phone a few months ago.  He realizes you can call him at one number and get a hold of him, or leave him a message.  He can also look things up, find restaurants, directions, and has opened a who new world Dan didn't realize he was missing.  Sure he saw people who had them, and some of the things he did, but until he lived with one, he never quite realized what it would mean for him to have one.

But I think if you lived with a Kinect for a while it you would more useful than you could have thought.

The problem with your example is that there's nothing useful you can do with Kinect that you can't do with a remote control or controller. However with a cell phone you can do lots of useful things in situations where those things would be impossible to do if you didn't have one. Car broken down on the side of the road in stormy weather: with cellphone, call for help while staying safe and dry in your car; without cellphone, get drenched walking to the nearest house / shop / phone booth in order to call for help.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix