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That's a hard one. All media and entertainment mediums has some sort violence. Movies, TV, Music, Video Games, etc. My guess is that video games are always at the front of being the cause for rise in violence in kids because a video games lets you control the violence itself. It gives people choice to play violently or peaceful, although in most games the violence is forced and is encouraged.

A kid can play violent video games but the parents have to involvement in it. Whether it is to moderate the amount of time the children play these games, pick and choose which games are appropriate, or just be a part of the experience, letting the kid know how video games work and to make sure they try to detach what can be done in a video game from what should not be done in real life. Make sure the kid understands that it's all fantasy.

In conclusion, I have always said it that the fault lies in the parents mindlessly buying their kids Call of duty at age 10.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian