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Alright, I know Index is just looking for a sponser and all but regarding that theory article,

Why would Nintendo need Atlus? Yes they are expanding, but they are expanding EAD so that they can finally make some Star Fox and some of the other franchises that they didn't have the manpower for. 

Atlus makes mainly niche JRPG titles. Nintendo already has 2 first party JRPG devs already, and one of them wasn't even planned. MonolithSoft was the one who came to Nintendo and asked to be bought. They also got Pokemon, arguably the biggest JRPG franchise ever. 

Nintendo will get more bang for the buck by investing in areas that don't currently have, like people to make their "dead/resting" franchises with a lot of appeal or actually opening a western EAD. Doubt the thing they need is more niche JRPGs when a lot of those are going to the 3DS nowadays anyway. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)