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I think I just found my most hated politician of any Western country. This is just ridiculous. It's fine if you offer the possibility to block porn so parents can use it but as a default, it's not any good. As far as I know, porn isn't even a problem to kids. If a kid is sensitive enough not to like porn, he/she won't watch it. And if a kid isn't that sensitive, I doubt it's really harmful.

Also, where's parents? They're supposed to be parents, not random people who make a kid stay alive and then have his/her affection. They have the responsibility of raising the kid too, you know. It's not any governments job.

As for the child porn thingy, seems just ridiculous. They're overreacting and at the same time completely ignoring the problem because they can't bother to do anything about the actual problem which isn't the distribution of child porn but the production of it. They can't bother to do anything to stop the production. The problem with child porn isn't (directly) the people watching it, it's the people making it. Kids don't get hurt when people watch it, they get hurt when it's being made.

Also funny how he said "I'm not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence." because that's exactly what he did, he moralised and scaremongered. He first scaremongered with the "think about the children" argument, then went on to moralize that certain type of porn shouldn't be legal just because it depicts something that's illegal (rape porn). I don't like it but there's definitely nothing wrong with having that porn as long as it's not real. I don't like smoking either, in fact I hate it, yet I think it should stay legal despite the direction that's being taken everywhere.

Just wait, ten years from now everything even remotely dangerous or illegal will be censored on the internet and I wouldn't be surprised if by then we already had Western governments that require their citizens to use their real names on the internet. I hate the way the world is going.