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Soundwave said:
Cobretti2 said:

I somewhat agree. The problem here is that not many users are left on a Nintendo console who buy many third party games. Because of the lack of 3rd party support over the generations, people have moved onto other platforms, therefore there i no audience atm.

The only way to get a 3rd party audience back on a Nintendo system is to ensure the kids do not migrate to the other systems. The only way to do that is keep releasing your games and build up the userbase slowly. It will take a generation to achieve but it will happen if they commit to build one.

It's a hopeless cause at this point with third parties. Even the Japanese ones aren't helping Nintendo much on consoles. Sony and MS have that audience and are never going to give it up as it's basically the main thing that drives their console sales.

Even if all else was equal, third parties would still probably prefer Sony/MS because they don't have to compete against other Nintendo games on those platforms and Sony/MS also spend a ton of money primarily marketing to core male gamers that is the audience most major third party games are aimed at -- ie: BioShock, Madden NFL, Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, etc. etc.

Nintendo needs to rebuild their 2nd party prowess and make more relationships like the Platinum Games one to ensure more content for their platforms.

Honestly if they had even kept Rare, that probably would've been fine, even one extra Rare console game per year makes their console lineup look just that extra bit better that they need ...

2012 - New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land, Killer Instinct U*

2013 - New Super Luigi U, Pikmin 3, Perfect Dark U*, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

2014 - X, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Banjo-Kazooie U*, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, Smash Bros. U

Agreed no one will come back hence why they need to shift focus in retaining kids that grow up. They basically need to build their audiences for next gen.

Rare was a mistake, not exactly sure how it all went down, but when MIcrososoft got 51% share it was all over. Did NIntendo even have a chance to buy them first? Personally I would have bought them jsut for the IPs as they are some of the msot iconic on Nintendo platforms.