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Sorry, but I agree with the critics. It was average at best.

1.Superman is supposed to be a very positive superhero. This one was all sorts of depressed and lacked personality. He is nothing like the Superman I've known through other superman movies and tv series. The scene where he messes up a guy's car is completely out of character for Superman and also insanely suspicious for modern age (it would have attracted tons of attention from the media).
2. Amy Adams (or whatever her name is) is an awesome actress, but not convinving at all as Lois Lane. No chemistry between them whatsover.
3. The whole tornado scene, was one of the worst scenes I've seen in my life. Jonathan: "I know you have super powers, so let me jut go there and die trying to save our freaking dog". Clark: "hm, doesn't sound like a great plan, but sure, go ahead. I can't see any alternative anyway".
4. The bad guys figured out how their powers worked in no time. Took Clark years to figure out the most basic things.
5. His biological mother was worse than Lois. Couldn't feel bad for her at all. The actress would be better suited to play an evil witch rather one of the good guys.
6. Terrible, generic script.
7. In your face, embarassing product placement.

Still a 6 for me, as there were quite a few great things about it, the main actor being one of them. The action was good, though generic.