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I don't get what's up with the reviews either. Iron Man 3 got better reviews and I thought Man of Steel was a lot better than Iron Man 3. I don't even hate Iron Man 3, I liked it but I thought Man of Steel was far better. As for the action, there wasn't too much of it. There wasn't too little of it. It felt just right. When I imagine Superman fighting against people who are just as powerful as him, I would expect all that shit to happen. Christ, in the last Superman movie people were complaining about the lack of action. Now there's too much of it? What the hell do you people want?

I'll agree the movie wasn't perfect. It had some pacing issues but it sure as hell didn't ruin the movie. Tbh, this is probably the best modern Superman movie that could have been done. You can't do the Richard Donner Superman again. It's already been done. Superman is a hard character to make good stories and movies for. I think no matter what direction the movie would have taken, critics still would have been equally critical.

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