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PDF said:
Chris Hu said:
Meh, not a big loss last time I played a NCAA football game was NCAA 06 on the original X-Box. Also they are planing to continue the franchise but with generic schools but who is going to be dumb enough to buy that I think if they release that it will fail harder then NBA Live 14 which I think will bomb.

No, they will most likely have all the schools, they just have to work it out on a school to school basis. 

That would be a nightmare then, especially if they had to acquire hundreds of different licenses from each school. You'd have to watch like, 40 minutes of license agreement screens every time you booted up the game! I doubt they'd bother to go that far (or that they'd really have to go past whatever the overarching NCAA governing body), but if they did, they'd probably work it out by conference.