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DevilRising said:
areason said:
Nintendo will always have a problem with third party support, that is because the crowd that buys their 1st party games, the crowd that buys a wii-u isn't as interested in fifa/cod/mass effect as the crowd that buys a ps3/360. That is because many people find the main nintendo characters/games childish. The core audience isn't interested in games with mario characters, yet nintendo pumps such games like no other. Then their is the overall concept of the wii-u which doesn't interest the core gamer. And what doesn't help is that nintendo fans themselves aren't interested in 3rd party games

Everything you just said is purely your own unsubstantiated opinion on things, sorry to say.


You cannot generalize and say that Nintendo console owners are not "core gamers" (whatever the hell that has come to mean these days).

You also cannot claim that "Nintendo fans don't care about third party games", when that is, I'm happy to report, complete BS.

You ALSO cannot state that so-called "core gamers" who buy Playstation or Xbox, DON'T like Nintendo franchises. Many of them do, but don't feel like buying a Nintendo console to play them. Which is too bad, because they're missing out on both counts. And quite frankly, the vast majority of people who claim that the Wii U and the GamePad "don't appeal to them", have not even held the GamePad nor actually played anything on the system.


If this mysterious and mystical "core audience" that you speak of didn't care about Mario games, then Mario games wouldn't be THE biggest selling, most popular video game franchise of all time. You don't honestly think that "Nintendo fanboys" are the only people who buy Mario games, do you? And while Mario is a prominant part of their catalogue, Nintendo hardly puts out JUST Mario games. Far from it. But alas, people are going to think what they're going to think. Facts just get in the way.

The failure of 3rd party games on the wii, the sales of zelda skyward sword, and the disapointment of EA and Ubisoft regarding their games sales on the wii u all speak for themselves.