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Einsam_Delphin said:
Michael-5 said:

Gamecube released in September in Japan, so its big spike is late. However WiiU hardware appears to be selling at about the same rate as the Gamecube sold in Japan.

Unless WiiU sales hold 20k weekly in Japan, I see no evidence that it will perform better then Gamecube within its first 52 weeks.

Mind you, Gamecube had a lot of games after launch. Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Eternal Darkness, Mario Party 4, Metroid Prime, etc. So the fact that WiiU is keeping up with only Pikmin 3 and NSMBU so far, means that it's going to do better overall.

Still, that red line is far, far below the blue one. WiiU really needed more then a 100% boost.....Wonderful 101 won't help much, so this means for another 3 months, Wii U sales will still be low. Then Wii Party U should fix things.

I believe the GC had more games and was cheaper priced than the Wii U during the same timeframe, so it should be selling more. If you're trying to say GC had games yet it still didn't sell, well, erm, here is my response! This is just my theory, but I think one of main the problems with the Gamecube other than the PS2's existence was it's overall appearance. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover, but does everyone follow that rule? Luigi became a ghostbuster, Mario became a powerwasher, Kirby a racing game, Zelda a cartoon, Metroid a FPS, etc., all wrapped up in a purple lunchbox. Even if appearance was not the issue, Nintendo and it's franchises have grown a lot since GC, so the Wii U will have more games of higher quality and more variety than the GC. That alone should enable the Wii U to sell more than GC. If not, then this generation likely being longer should help the Wii U sell more lol.


There was a lot of skeptecism against Metroid Prime being a FPA game and developed by a Western Studio. Actually Gamecube looked like a system which largely catered to Western gamers. Eternal Darkness sold poorly in Japan, and Luigi's Mansion, and a Purple Box appearance of the gamecube did make it look like a kids system.

However most of those games were not known about in Gamecubes 1st year. Zelda was a super cool looking HD Ocarina of Time type demo, which eventually got us Twilight Princess, and Smash Bros was a pretty good game.


Wii U will sell a lot more then gamecube in the long run, just not in the first 52 weeks.

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