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This is the dumbest fan letter I have read in a while. I can see Miyamoto reading it and immediately saying "Yes, we KNOW." Nintendo doesn't need advice THAT they need support. They need advice on HOW TO GET support.

That's actually pretty easy. Now that you've got the production in order, make some games which really showcase second screen gameplay. Pikmin? Good, but you really need an RPG. Ask Sony if they have any idea what they want to do with Legend of Dragoon. If they don't, chances are you could buy it from them and develop it for the Wii U. And if Sony's not willing to play along (and they probably won't be) ask Mystwalker if they're interested in writing/ composing an original RPG for you.

Or you could do like I've said elsewhere: remake Majora's Mask where Kafei is Link's permanent partner, you have to split items across two players, and to swap items in combat you have to use the gamepad to "throw" them back and forth. It doesn't even need to be a full remake. A glorified demo will garner developer and consumer interest.

Bottom line, make it clear that the Wii U's weakness on paper is more than made up by it's delivery in real life. You have to do that by making absolutely stupendous games of your own which would be unthinkable on a different console. Show the world they've got the wrong kind of power.