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kowenicki said:
Zappykins said:
snyps said:
awesome. when the economy collapses history books will tell of our gay orgies and decadence.

Ha ha ha ha, yes, because two people having the civil rights that come from marriage of course leads to orgies and glitter.

Let's not forget all the glitter, everywhere.

Actually, more people having stable relationships does improve society, they buy houses, take better care of the community, crime goes down, etc.


They already had the civil rights from a civil partnership.

There is ZERO legal difference between the existing civil partnerships and marriage in the UK.

Waste of parliamnet time.

Perhaps to you, but like voting to Emily Davison, to the people that are effected it’s important.  Civil rights are only nothing to you, if you are not effected by the lack of them. Even, not a fan of marriage John Barrowman of Doctor Who/Torchwood, finally got married recently to his (now) husband in California.

Plus, what about when you leave the country?  Marriage rights in other countries are quite different than ‘domestic partners.’

I honestly can't say exactly what the difference are in the UK, but in the USA a Civil Partnership is missing about 10,000 (total at the federal level) rights from marriage.  (like Immigration, taxes, social security, inheritance, etc.)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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