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enditall727 said:

Look man you just cant omit everything she is saying because of things she left out or things she supposedly went back on because Zimmerman went back on some things he said aswell.


You just cant run with only the negatives for Trayvon and the positives for Zimmerman. I dont think he is a devil but i also dont believe he is a saint.


I swear its like the Zimmerman supporters try to criticise the Trayvon supporters for trying to make Trayvon look like a saint while making Zimmerman look like a devil but then the Zimmerman supporters DO THE EXACT SAME THING that they criticise the Trayvon supporters for doing. They paint Zimmerman up to be a saint while painting Trayvon up to be a devil


Its the SAME EXACT SH!T on each side i swear.


Neither of them are devils or saints. They both made mistakes that night.


Zimmerman was in the car and on the phone like he was very concerned about this random kid being in his neighborhood. Trayvon walked right passed his car and Trayvon was looking at him as he walked by. 


You mean to tell me that you couldn't ask this kid what he was doing when he walked by your car? You couldn't tell the guy on the phone to "wait one second", roll down the window as Trayvon was walking by and ask him what he was doing? He was supposed to be the neighborhood watch who aspired to be a police officer. He had more authority than Trayvon so he was the one that was supposed to do the asking. He was following him but never attempted to ask the kid what he was doing EVEN AS HE WALKED PASSED YOUR CAR AND LOOKED RIGHT AT YOU? Just blindly following the kid without trying to see what he was doing. All he had to do was just roll down the window and say something like "hey man, can i talk to you for a second?" and clarify the situation by saying something like "look man, there have been a bunch of break ins in this neighborhood.. Etc" you know and just clarify why he was following him and why he thought he looked suspicious. 


I guarantee that Trayvon would've stopped and told him that he was just headed home and that he was staying in the neighborhood and was coming from the store



But noooooOOOOOOooooo Mr Robocop here had to go above and beyond while making himself look weird and not to be taken seriously.


Trayvon kept walking and Zimmerman turned his car around and faced it towards Trayvon and just watched. As Trayvon told the girl that he was being watched, she told him to run and he did for the lulz(which he shouldn't have did)


I dont think Zimmerman would have gotten out of the car if Trayvon never ran. He would've just kept driving around watching in his car.


The part about Jeantels words that people think she may have lied about was the part about her saying Trayvon said "get off"


Zimmerman went passed the "T" because he didn't see Trayvon but we all know that Trayvon was in the "T" area. He had to have hid on the other side of the building. He couldn't hide behind the bush because they were closely pressed up against the houses and they were too small for a 6ft kid to hide behind without being seen. Lets say that there were big ass bushes around for Trayvon to hide behind, Zimmerman would've needed to be searching closely by the bushes for Trayvon to surprisingly jump out and eventually sucker punching Zimmerman. but if he was in fact searching closely, he would have saw Trayvon before the ambush.


Now lets take those real skinny ass bushes that were closely pressed up against the houses for a second. If Trayvon was somehow hiding behind those bushes, he would've been easy to see ESPECIALLY if Zimmerman was searching closely. 


Lets say Trayvon was able to magically not be seen behind those little ass bushes. Trayvon would've had to jump out and he would've needed to run up to Zimmerman because the bushes are pressed up against the houses and it is confirmed that they were in the middle near the sidewalk for him to be banging his head into the cement.


He would have heard trayvon as he brushed against the bush and would've seen Trayvon running up on him. If he seen this criminal jump out running up on him, Zimmerman would've either pulled out his gun immediately and shot Trayvon before the fight started, he would've started screaming for help immediately even before getting hit(broken nose), or he would've threw up his set which would confirm that he would've never been sucker punched.



Trayvon had to be hiding behind the building as Zimmerman walked passed the T.


Zimmerman is the one that circled back and walked passed Trayvons house. If he was walking back to his car he would've just kept walking to the left from Trayvons house instead of cutting upwards into the T.


he cut upwards because either he saw Trayvon again("oh shit the nigga behind me!") or he was still searching for him.


what do people think Zimmerman would do when he saw Trayvon again in the T? People really think that Zimmerman would've just casually passed by Trayvon and continue towards the truck? No, he eventually confronted the kid he was looking for BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR HIM.


We also know that Trayvon was trying to avoid Zimmerman being that he hid from him.


It all adds up better than Zimmermans story. Trayvon is right near his house and din't want to run anymore because he thought he lost Zimmerman. Then Zimmerman walks passed Trayvons house and cuts upwards right when Trayvon is closest to his house and he says "oh shit the nigga behind me" then he turns back upwards and Zimmerman follows him and Trayvon claims that the guy following him is getting closer and closer while not saying anything. He gets real close then Trayvon finally turns around and says "why are you following me?" Then Zimmerman finally breaks his awkward silence and says "what are you doing around here?" Before grabbing him to hold him because the police were only like less than 2 mins away. 


We know that Zimmerman didn't think Trayvon was staying in the neighborhood.


He grabbed him, then Trayvon started trying to fight him off being that he wouldn't let go



This is what i believe happened. I also feel like it is the best speculation that could be had on this topic. Anybody else can feel free to speculate a different scenario though.


Poor judgement and actions took the life of somebody that was probably not going to rob houses that night


Zimmerman walked though and i fully expected it. I understand why they eventually overlooked what Jeantel was saying. She was just acting unprofessional and was very hard to understand. They had to tell her to speak louder WAY too many times aswell


It is what it is at the end of the day


Edit: fucking auto correct is really destroying me lol

After reading your claims that a dark skinned male wearing dark clothes cant hide behind a bush because they are close to the houses and they are small in the dead of night is just mind boggling. There really is no use to continue this conversation. I think it could be very easy to crouch behind those bushes at 6 foot tall without being seen. Human eyes see very poorly in the night. But fuck, why just bring up the bushes. How about the fencing that seperates each houses patio... I know without a doubt in my mind a 7 foot person could hide behind one of those without being seen