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Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

I don't know if I can say Zimmerman is guilty, but he's right where he said, "Zimmerman followed Martin in his car, called 911 who told him to stay in his car, ignored that advice, brought his gun out of his car.."

The rest has no evidence to back it up. We don't know who confronted who, so he's presuming there. 

Fact: If Zimmerman would've listened to the dispatch, the kid would be alive and Zimmerman could've gone on with his life. The cops would've circled the community searching for suspects.

Fact: you don't know the details either. Dispatch never told him to not get out of the car. They suggested to not follow trayvon. Zimmerman said okay. The dispatch said police are on their way do you want them to meet you when they get there. Zimmerman said yes have them call me so I can tell them where Im at

I never said I knew the details that would've created the fight sequence, but there obviously was a confrontation. If theres any uncorroborated evidence I haven't spoken about it. Theres no point in speaking about what you don't know or accepting testimony that has no facts to prove it unless its coming out of the mouth of a witness, not first party. 

Fact: Dispatch never told him outright not to follow, but the strongly suggested not to follow. (safety reasoning, most likely)

Fact: Zimmerman continued to follow.

Fact: Dispatch suggested him meeting place for him and a cop out in front (zimmerman suggested by the mailboxes), which again suggests to stop tailing the kid since the cops were on their way and wait for the authorities. (my guess was because they needed the profile and would need him near when circling the area)

Fact: Zimmerman agreed, and then continued to follow and went back on his word telling  the dispatch just to have the cops call him  since he was so desperate to catch the kid after he disappeared.