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tuscaniman99 said:
Well I was satisfied with the amount of games I got to play on both consoles. Regardless the numbers are skewed and basically disregard half of the Xbox 360s life. As of right now the Xbox One is dominating in exclusives so what is this list proving? That in 5 years PS4 will finally have more exclusives? I guess I'll stick with my original plan then. Buy a Xbox One and in 3-4 years time when the PS4 catalog actually gets good I'll pick one up for cheap.

It disregards half of the PS3 lifetime as well and doesn't include many of their top titles. It doesn't even include what was arguably PS3's greatest year which was 2009.

We also can't even really try to compare XBoxOne and PS4 exclusives right now. We have only had 1 event for them to display what they have.

If you want to have an idea on where it MIGHT go though, you can check the survey taken from 300 devs at the european GDC. PS4 has the most games currently in development and for the future I believe it is something like 38% to work on PS4 compared to 21-22% for XBoxOne.

So I think everyone should wait before taking a list of 5-10 games each and acting like it is a roadmap for the future.



Edit - I also find it funny that you think PS4 will take 3-4 years to get a library that is "actually good". If you have been watching the last 5 years you would know that they pumping out more games and new IP than anyone else.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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