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Why do people think the costs of the game was that low (8-10 million)? I have no clue; I'm just curious. I mean it was Ubisoft's launch game for the Wii U was it not? That would mean they had to create a new engine and do a lot of extra work to make it.

Also, I don't know how the money flowed in the Ubisoft/Nintendo agreement but I was assuming Ubisoft paid development costs. Then they only get part of the revenue. There was a thread on that awhile ago but I don't remember numbers so I'll assume $20 for a $60 game. That would mean they got a max of $10 million if all games were the full $60 which was most likely not the case. So there's that plus whatever Nintendo paid them.

So I don't believe the game was profitable for them either. By how much? No clue, as everything everyone is going by is pure speculation.