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"Larson-Green has been at Microsoft for 20 years and headed up design for Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007, as well as Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1, amongst other projects, so she certainly brings a lot of experience to the role. Indeed, she is tipped as a future successor to Ballmer as Microsoft CEO.

Microsoft stock is reportedly up since the announcement."

By Craig

This is a quick topic, I notice that Microsoft been doing some re-configuration to their devisions and they announce that Julie Larson-Green will replace Dan Mattrick place. Now that their new leadership in the Xbox department, do you feel she can turn around the massive negatives on the Xbox One. 

Personally, if they announce that their will be a SKU that don't come with the kinect making it hunderd dollars cheaper (to be honest, I can see that happen sometime in the future base on the rumors which can effect sells), I can see a strong compitition between Sony and Microsoft. Already, their rumors that Microsoft are going to allow self-publishing for indies developers which is a GOOD thing and Microsoft is also working hard to fix Xbox Live prices error in diffenerent regions. Julie been with Microsoft for over twenty years invole with Windows Office 2003, 2007 and Windows 7, 8 and the upcoming 8.1. So you can't excuse her for not having any experiences, I hope she can save the Xbox brand, I want that compitition in the gaming industry because to me, it seem Nintendo just gave up. So we need someone to compete with Sony and Microsoft seem to step their game up and hopfully Julie Larson can bring her A game.

PS: I find it awesome that a woman is taking charge instead of another men trying to represent the man gamers. 



Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke