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I would take the 33 watt power requirement that Nintendo seemed very fixated on and just toss it out the window. It just doesn't help Nintendo move systems in any way, and power consumption is something that can be dropped over time.

I'd have gone with a more off-the-shelf GPU to save R&D costs and get better horsepower bang for the buck, like a modified 7750 AMD GPU which Nintendo probably could've gotten for like $85/part or less (it's $110 retail).

The system would have to be bigger too with it's casing, but as long it was about the size of an NES ... is it really that big of a deal? Again hardware can be shrunk over time. Too much time/effort on Nintendo's part was spent making the system so small and energy efficient, that they likely ended up paying a lot for a highly customized chipset part. Not worth it.

Also aesthetically ... the system looks awkward. The controller looks too bulky and a bit like a child's tablet, I'd go back to the drawing board on that for sure and make it look sleeker.