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Depends on what you include as Super Mario Bros, the original trilogy? Do you include the new games? Mario World? Other Mario Platformers?

I am just going to go with the original trilogies of each series, with Mario 2 swapped for world.

1. Super Mario Bros 3 - made the biggest impact of any game on NES and of any 2D Platformer ever. It's also one of the best 2D Platformers ever, and even today stands up with its 8-bit stylized art work. It really shaped the way for Platformers of the future including Kirby, Mario, and DKC.
2. DKC - made the biggest impact of any game on SNES and second biggest of any 2D Platformer ever.
3. DKC2 - Most highly regarded 2D Platformer of the 16-bit era. Maybe even the best SNES game.
4. Sonic 2 - Made a bigger splash than Sonic 1, it was a solid Platformer and better than Mario World.
5. Sonic 1 - the first real challenger to Mario, and this game was really good!
6. DKC3 - while not making as big of a splash as the above titles, realistically better than DKC1 and very close in quality to DKC2. Most underrated of the series.
7. Super Mario World - good game, not really a big step up from the last, and in many ways a step down. Most got it as a pack-in.
8. Super Mario Bros 1. - It was a big game in its time, almost everyone got it as a pack-in with consoles, many played it. It really wasn't that great, I find of all the games this is the only one I get quickly bored playing today.
9. Sonic 3 - I would probably say this is better than Mario 1, but this game was ruined by bad level design despite some really interesting ideas. It also made the lowest splash of all games on the list.

Rayman? Really? That franchise is well below Kirby let alone something to stand aside the other three legendary franchises. I am not even going to bother with it. It's not worth consideration.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.