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Pemalite said:
Netyaroze said:
I am sure they cant match the PS4s GPU power with overclocking alone.

Sure they can! At-least in some respects anyway.
For example, compute performance is directly tied into how many Shader Pipelines and the chips respective clockspeed, considering everyone on this forum *loves* to measure things in flops... You would only need an extra 400mhz on the GPU core clock to match the PS4's GPU compute performance. I.E. 1.2ghz core clock which is *not* impossible for a GCN architecture.

However, they would most certainly require additional voltages for that kind of boost, I wasn't an engineer for Microsoft's Xbox, so I'm not aware of the TDP headroom they designed the Xbox One's cooling system around, so in that regard I have NFI.

You are forgetting that the Xbox One uses a one chip apu design. If it were an external card then yes maybe they could achieve those speeds. With the gpu sharing the same space as the cpu? Sorry but no way, not if it was not designed for it from the start. Also it would still be lacking somewhat in the memory bandwidth department.

If they want to increase clock on anything they should increase it on the cpu instead.