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Well put it this way I liked FF8 better then a cockslap to the face, it was kinda weird and broken to me the first play through but second time I played it about 4 years later it was actually decent, I like limiting the things you can do as so many RPGs since the end of SNES to beginning of PS1 days started to let you have way over powered teams and created little to no challenge. FF8 is no where near my favorite RPG, but as far as FF series it definitely ranks higher then FFX and FFX-2, seem as uninteresting as FFXII and FFXIII, I guess FFX-2 killed most of the interest to me >_> but still its around the middle for me on FF list and a decent RPG all around, I've just seen better.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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