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JayWood2010 said:
Michael-5 said:
JayWood2010 said:

If you want a gtood explanation on bf%

Lol, it's where my picture is sourced from. Good read, it's nice to read that 10-12% is a good sustainable level for men. I'm always worried that I'm too skinny because I look like the guy at 12% in that diagram (mind you, small difference in muscle distribution), and now I can feel good about myself.

Fuck, those lower abs are so hard to define, maybe I'm more then 12% because my abs are bigger, but I only have 4 distinct abs, and 2 kinda visible. Going to exercise with my gf more after I show her this, I think I might want to loose 1 or 2%, but she just needs some abs.

yay, me posting builtlean is finally paying off XD lol jk

You souind like you are an ectomorph.  Basically means you have a high metabolism and you store most of your fat in your belly.  The bad thing is it is harder to gain muscle being an ectomporph.  The good news is that you can lose weight quicker.  i also think ectomorphs tend to have a better looking body if they achieve it through hard work.  

You are likely around 12-14% bf if you cant see your bottom abs.  If you are lower than that and still cant see them try defining them through ab training.

Quite the opposite, I actually have a very slow metabolism, but I dunno where I store my fat, I have a bit all over, maybe a bit more in the stomach, but that's typical for all men.

To give you an idea of how little I eat in order to maintain my figure, my girlfriend weights 100lb, I weight 160lb......I eat less then her on a typical day. If I eat red meat or junk food, that fat stays on me for about a week. I'm trying to change my diet, I want to eat more food, so I'm eating more veggies, and less carbs.

I think I'm about 13%. GF also has an ab outline, she's probably 17-18% judging by the pictures above

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