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Actually pretty much all of the acutal porn found at this home was standard straight porn. A lot of the "gay" porn they cite there was girl on girl. I believe he even had nude photos of Bo Derek, who the 70s "it" girl and lived not too far away, lol.

That said, I don't think MJ was straight, I think he was a repressed homosexual, growing up in a bizarre childhood and strict religious parents. And maybe the skin condition (if legit) also contributed to him being self concious about his body. I don't know. I think he had some kind of body dismorphic disorder too, given his addiction to plastic surgery.

No straight guy would turn down sex with Tatum O' Neal, Brooke Shields, that Tatiana girl, etc. etc. etc. though, lol. He probably could've bagged Madonna too, but who didn't in the 90s, lol.