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Zero999 said:

the GTA part is the same excuse for logic you used. and the wii u's third party multiplatforms is still way better than wii and you can't simply say "there will be fewer in the future". if the current ones sell, more will come.

No, it really isn't. GTA V could rather easily be ported to the Wii U, yet it isn't coming. GTA VI will, as always, target reasonably high end specs - which, when it arrives in a few years, will mean PS4/Xbone levels. Porting it down to the Wii U would be more difficult, so if GTA V isn't coming now there is every reason to expect that VI won't, either.

Multiplatform games aren't selling on the Wii U, but that's kind of beside the point. As games start to target higher specs, it is going to become harder - not easier - to port them to the Wii U. If they're not coming now, they're not likely to come in the future. No established audience on the system, more work to make them... why would they?

I'm open to the idea that Nintendo can somehow turn things around with third parties, but you have to make the argument for why things are going to suddenly depart from the current, well established trend a year from now. You can't just handwave away recent history of Nintendo home consoles being passed over for games, the Wii U's poor sales, the gap in specs between the Wii U and other consoles, etc. Another Mario game isn't going to change all that. And even if it did? Games take a long time to make. Look at the trouble Nintendo is having making games for its own system.

So that's the real problem. Games are in the works for PS4 and Xbone now. If third parties do have a change of heart and start investing in the Wii U, those games will all be delayed. The audience for them will opt for other consoles in the meanwhile, and everyone in the industry would just decide that the Wii U isn't a viable platform for them after all. Since they know all this in advance, they're not going to waste their time or money by having such a change of heart. The Wii U will get table scraps from third parties and will have to live or die on Nintendo's own efforts, just like every other Nintendo system in recent memory.