mtu9356 said:
I've never been a man of getting scared easily. Amnesia, for example, was a game that build an enormous atmosphere of tension; I only got scared few times, but when I was, it was because of the tension.
Resident Evil 4, on the other hand, gave you a weapon. A method of defense, And enemies that dropped ammo when killed like monsters that drop loot. Where's the atmosphere? Where's the challenge? Stronger enemies =/= scary. I could probably say that the only moments of tension in that game were the ones you knew you could be one hit killed, and run for your life (Like the chainsaw guy). But then it resorted to cheap scary moments, as in the guy that goes out of the fridge in blazing flames. Those kind of moments give me goosebumps, but are kind of "Meh" once they end. Plus, Resident Evil 4 gave the main character a "sidekick", plus lowering even more the scary factor.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is probably one of the most scary games I've ever played. Mainly because yes, it gives you a weapon, but you can't certainly expect several moments, and the tension built between them is pretty immersive.