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Veracity said:
attaboy said:

The problem we have here is that only one person is alive to tell the story and, as dumb as he is, Zimmerman is not a dumb man.  Between the time that the 911 call ended, multiple things could have happened.  Martin could have thought "I don't want to lead this creepy guy back to my house." or Zimmerman could have said "Stop hiding, I have a gun."  Zimmerman may have been in fear for his life but we have no way of ever knowing if Martin was in fear for his life.  That, of course, is speculation.  We could speculate all day long but the case will be decided by facts.  Many of the facts, we just do not have.

Truth is, we will NEVER know for sure.  And that's why Zimmerman is going to go free.  It's better to let a guilty man go free than to lock up an innocent man, right?  Zimmerman may be as innocent as a newborn baby on Christmas morning or guilty as sin.  With cases like OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony where there is an overwhelming amount of evidence and the defendant still went free, what do you honestly think will happen here?

What we do know is this:  George Zimmerman DID create a situation where a kid wound up dead.  His heart may have been in the right place but his lack of experience and common sense led to him killing another person.  Not a good person, bad person, black person, or any other label we attach.  George Zimmerman killed someone because of George Zimmerman's actions.  That's not murder, though.

Nope Zimmerman did not escalate the situation. Trayvon Martin did. He stopped moving toward the place he was staying, walked back toward Zimmerman, and punched him in the face. 

Did I say he escalated the situation?  No.  He created the situation.  We don't know who escalated the situation.  You weren't there.  None of us were.  I've been reading your posts and you assume a lot.  Some people (including me) are letting the evidence sway their opinion on the case.  I was one of those manipulated by the bias media coverage and portrayal of Martin vs Zimmerman.  As the facts come out, I'm forming my own opinion.  You, on the other hand, seem to have had your mind made up from day one.

And that's not to say you were wrong.  There's a pretty decent chance that you are right but you say these things with 100% certainty and an obvious bias.  While we may eventually reach the same conclusion that Zimmerman is innocent, I don't agree with the way you appear to have reached yours.  It's too easy to overlook Zimmerman's history of obstruction, and domestic violence and emphasize Martin's "gangster pics" and expulsion from school, isn't it?