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It was easy difficulty I couldn't get the job done on. Just turned it off for now. As far as how this game compares to the other Contra game of the past, I'd say the duel screen makes it harder. Still I'm having alot of fun with it. I remember reading before I bought it though that C4 was supposed to contain copies of both the original contra and super contra. Do I need to finish the game first? Anyone else heard that?


-I'll try the machine gun for it when I go back to it Fuzzmosis, thanks.

Ok I did my part, I bought No More Heroes, but they were out of Zach and Wiki.

Ok got Zach and Wiki, now if I could just finally finish Twilight Princess so I can play all these Wii games I got waiting. And no I won't buy Okami.

DNF, now there is a game that should have been scrapped completely. Reminds me of a kid whose been in school for 12 years and still doesn't know what he wants to do. At one point you just need to man up and get a job.