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Warning don't read if your a sensitive xbox fanboy.  Honestly I thought Mircosoft's press conference was pretty subpar and heres why.  Ryse was good graphics wise, but that's pretty much the only good thing I can say about the game, it has some of the worst combat I've ever seen, just quick time events.  The new Killer Instinct is a disgrace to the series, we have fighting games out now that are way better like Mortal Kombat and Injustice, hell Killer Instinct has less features such as environmental interaction and dynamic stage changes, it just looks like a sub par fighting game.  As far as Quantum Break goes we have barely seen anything about that game, we have to see more before I can say anything about it.  The same goes for Sunset Overdrive.  Titalfall looks good but its not a X1 exclusive its coming to 360 and PC too and many rumors are that its a timed exclusive and will come to PS4.  I am staying far away from Dead Rising 3, I was unfortunate enough to play Dead Rising 2...I don't think I need to say anything else.  The new Forza looks good and all, I'm still waiting to see what seperates it from other racers though.  Now Crimson Dragon looks amazing, it is one of my top games for next gen.  Honestly at this point I'm way more excited for the PS4 exclusives and Sony has said there are more to be revealed, personally I think Microsoft showed all they had at E3.