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I haven't seen any real threads about this yet. Some of you might not be able vote, or are outside of the US, but your input is most appreciated.

 For the most part, the candidates are in the race(s), and there are some clear (and to me, worrysome) candidates gaining ground. But of course, that's just me. I'm a social and economic conservative, and for the most part, dislike both major efforts by both parties.


In the Democratic Candidate corner, we have:

Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and current Senator of New York

Barak Obama, 1-term Senator of Illinois

John Edwards, former Senator of North Carolina and former VP-hopeful in 2004

and maybe Bill Richardson - Governor of New Mexico.


In the other corner, for the Republican Candidates, we have:

Rudolph Gulliani - Former Mayor of New York City

John McCain - Multi-Term Current Senator from Arizona (or is it Nevada)

Mitt Romney - Former Governor or Massachusetts (I believe)

and Fred Thompson - Former Senator of Tennessee.


So who do you like, and dislike? To me, this is probably the most wide, and diverse election we've ever had. However, I'm rather dissapointed in the front runners. We either get Hillary, the radical femnist, or RINO Gulliani. I'm certainly not a fan of Hillary, and almost as much as Gulliani, but Gulliani has the advantage of being very financially conservative, and strong on national security, and such.

IMO, my favorites are Bill Richardson for the Dems, and Fred Thompson for the Republicans, with me going to vote for Sen. Thompson in the primaries, if he's running at that point. I believe he's been doing good in polls, but that can always change.

However, most polls show that in the event of Hillary-Gulianni that Gulliani will win by a pretty convincing margin. Is there any way that she could win, or if there could be a 3rd party candidate to steal something (ie, Ross Perot in 1992, Ind. Candidate from the green party that I can't think of's name in 2000).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.