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There are 4 times when i've given up a game due to late-game dickery. Two of them are Square Enix!

1) Final Fantasy III: There is a whole dungeon beyond the Point of No Return, significantly more difficult than the dungeon before it, and the EXP opportunities in the semifinal dungeon were insufficient to grind. It would have taken me forever, quite not worth my time.

2) Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Point of no return sits before 2 bosses, the first of which has the most broken fucking ability ever: no-cost, 100% heal, any time she wants to do it. You've labored for 30 minutes trying to bring her down? Fuck you, let's start from the beginning. So you have to beat her, then the guy after her (who wasn't as broken, just generally tough), but every time you lose to the last guy? Back to her. Flat nope.

3) Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns: The last dungeon was just chaos incarnate (fitting, as the final boss was supposed to be Chaos): screens filled with enemies, traps all over the place, every step you were getting smashed or poisoned or otherwise status-impaired. Next!

4) Pokemon Soul Silver: That fuckwad Lance, the second time around. An example of the Brokenness of dragon types. I distinctly recall telling Smoked Hostage that I was going to get a shovel and make Lance into a bloody stain on the carpet.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.