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From what I see the article is correct. I mean when you have a PS4 for $100 and the AVERAGE consumer pretty much seems them as almost the same unless there is some HUGE deal breaker they will just go with the cheaper PS4.

As far as who has the better launch line-up and first year games that is all up to the preference of the player. We can't just say MS has the best or Sony does seeing as......NEITHER OF THEM HAS EVEN FINISHED ANNOUNCING WHAT ALL THEY HAVE COMING!!! LOL....SO chill out folks and WAIT to see what bot have up their sleeves geez.

Lastly as far as the controller goes...that is all subjective. And for me I like both depending on what types of games I am playing. If I am playing a 3rd or first person shooter I prefer the Xbox controller because it flows better for me. For most any other type of game though I prefer the PS controller because it works better for me. ESPECIALLY when it comes to fighting is EASILY the better of the two. But then that is just my opinion.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23