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by Colin Moriarty OCTOBER 22, 2011

It may not come as much of a surprise coming from one of IGN's PlayStation editors, but my excitement for the PlayStation Vita is palpable. I've played Sony's upcoming handheld on numerous occasions since it was revealed and have had hands-on time with a plethora of games. And while I acknowledge that Sony has stumbled quite a few times during the PSP and PS3's lifecycle, things appear to be different this time around. Sony's emphasis seems to be on all the right things, and Vita is primed to do a lot better than people are expecting it to.

For better or for worse, Vita will be pitted against the Nintendo 3DS. But the comparison doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and even if you were to pit them against each other, Vita is still destined to sell better. That's because in addition to games (which Nintendo 3DS is still sorely lacking), it's also a much more powerful machine capable of doing a whole lot more than 3DS.
Nintendo isn't the primary competition for Sony this time around. The major complaint against something like Vita is that its space is being encroached upon by the phone and tablet market, and hence the real competition for Vita will come from Apple and Android devices. There's certainly something to be said about that. People are playing games on iOS in insane amounts. Hell, 30 million people play Angry Birds everyday. That poses a real problem for Sony.

The Nintendo 3DS is certainly not going to take the Vita out with N64 ports and tired, worn series.

full article:

lol ign... wow look how that turned out, i really like the vita and i hope is at least have the same sells as psp but this post (which was posted 2 years ago) is horrible. what do you think about it?

'Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll.'
-Shigeru Miyamoto