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Slimebeast said:

Don's speak badly about Martin Septim. I love him. He is so gentle and lovable.

Again that's an argument people use often about Elder Scrolls, that the characters aren't memorable. That's true, I can't name but a few characters of Oblivion even though I've speant nearly 2,000 hours on the game. But to me it's the whole picture that matters, the world, the setting and the characters and stories interwoven in that world.

The Uncharted cast is certainly easy to remember. But did they move me? Not in the slightest. Nathan is a character who is easy to like, but he is also trivial. The whole world in Uncharted is trivial. There's no weight to anything, if you know what I mean.

I don't know if you understand. Perhaps someone understands.

It's like, I watch Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp's character is funny and likeable and all but the whole thing is trivial. It's just light-hearted and superficial and doesn't feel real. It doesn't penetrate my mind, it doesn't become part of me. While The Lord of the Rings is serious and emotionally engaging.

Sure I know what you mean, Uncharted is based on blockbuster adventure, mainstream "popcorn" movies. And you could call it trivial, sure it's light-hearted and doesn't even try to feel real (The Last of Us does that). Although I would argue, that they tried to raise some more serious matters especially in Uncharted 3, and to an extent Uncharted 2, like for example: what drives Drake to this fortune hunting, how far will he go to reach his goals, what makes him different from the antagonists, it also brings such topics like trust, love, friendship, human endurance. But yeah the overall feel of the game, mostly because of Drake's personality, which is humorous and light-hearted, but the stories aren't all that trivial.

I guess it's also a matter of personal preference. It looks that you like those epic, fantasy settings that are more about heroism, sacrifice, fraternity, fighting the evil. As much as I like both TES games (although my 550 hours IV & V combined is peanuts compared to yours *_*) and LotR I also didn't necessarily get this emotionally engaging feel in the long run, those were just playing on different emotions while they lasted. That's at least how I feel.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!