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S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:Stage you seriously annoy me.  20 published games is very common for every console. This has been a very over-exagerated thing since MSFT announced 15 exclusives from MSFT. This would be a different story if they was all AAA but they are not.  Even in recent years where Sony, MSFT, and Nintendo hasnt been releasing a ton of AAA games they are still releasing a lot of games going unnoticed.  Recent examples is  State of Decay owned by MSFT, BattleBlock Theater partnership with MSFT, the upcoming Curse of Brotherhood (first party),I believe Guacemelee for Sony, MLB: The Show 2013 1st party Sony, etc.  These companies are always searching for titles and publishing or helping them in certain cases but they are not all AAA games.  So yes Microsoft will have 15+ this year (So far we know of 17)  and Sony will have 20+  but that does not mean every single game from them are going to be AAA games.  The real question is out of those 40 or so exclusives we will see between the two over this year, how many will you be interested in?  How many will be big time sellers?  Will they have an impact on the market?  As of right now it is just a number that could literally mean anything.

Go through this and look at all the games that gets over looked.  Same case can be said for Nintendo and MSFT.

I never said Nintendo couldnt get it done, but NIntendo is known for taking their time with their games which makes their output slower. Sony and MS invest outside of their own first party, but Sonys first party pumps out quite a bit. Never said the exclusives had to be AAA exclusives either. You must remember MS never talked about their Kinect games at E3 which is a blessing. They will eventually have to make the case for why the Kinect was force bundled with the Xbone, so stay tuned.

What is your point with bringing Kinect up?  To answer your questions of course they will have kinect games.  One being Kinect Sports 3, and another being Fantasia developed by Harmonix and Rabbids developed by Ubisoft.  Of course developers are going to develop for Kinect as it is no longer a peripheral.  Not really sure of your point on this?  And nintendo takes a long time to make big games yes (as does MSFT and Sony.  AAA games takes years to make), but they also release plenty of smaller games through out the year for both handhelds and home consoles.  Once again some games gets ignored like Mario Tennis, Mario Minis, etc  And if Sony pumps out so many AAA games then why did Sony not release any AAA games in 2012?