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Now how do we all feel about Joel gunning down the Doctors and Marlene(who had put down her weapon). Not only did he take away their direct link to a cure but he also ruined their chance of making progress in another direction. Did he really need to kill them? A doctor has to be rare enough during an apocolypse that they should be treated as endangered species.

As for Marlene, she put down her weapon. She wanted to discuss the issue calmly and rationally. Joel wasn't having it and gunned her down. She was the leader of the Fireflies who acted as a beacon of hope for the people. She could have done much good. Does killing her assure that the Firefly remnants won't come after them? No, not really.

If Joel committed any crime, I think it was these two actions.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)