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curl-6 said:
KylieDog said:

Og course the fact you can still by these in stores mean there are none of shelves, right?  The overtracking is more than just the difference between VGC and those numbers.  RE4 was a budget price release, not a good example anyway.  A handful of games isn't a good example either, for an entire gen.

There are 105 third party million sellers on Wii. That alone shows claims they can't sell are nonsense.

From what I can tell, there's only 100, but whatever the number, the context is more important.

On the Wii, those 100 third-party titles make up ~71% of million sellers, but only ~46% of the total sales for that category (not counting Wii Sports/Resort).

On the 360, by contrast, 145 third-party titles make up ~81% of million sellers, and ~76% of the total sales for that category (not counting Kinect Adventures).

So, the 360 has around 50% more million-sellers, who have a 50% greater share of sales.  When it comes to the PS3, the ratio is even more favorable.

So yes, third-party Wii games could sell, but far fewer did so, and far less successfully, than on other systems. 
That certainly doesn't invalidate your point, since they did, in fact, have strong sellers, but even the standouts aren't that outstanding in the greater market landscape.

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