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fkusumot said:
Sqrl said:
My personal opinion is that there had to be some sort of effort beyond a single man...if you want to label that a conspiracy (which it is by definition) thats fine but I try to avoid all that "underground parking garage" crazy talk.

In short there are enough oddities to warrant suspicion, but I haven't seen a smoking gun that makes me favor one theory over another.

Funny "Deep Throat" reference, or was it an X-Files reference? It's positively eery that what you wrote sums up my own beliefs. I'm hoping that there will be some new evidence that is released in 2013 (If the world doesn't end before then). I've been waiting about 29 years so I guess I can wait another six.

P.S: I'm wearing a tin-foil hat so the beams from the mirror on the moon cannot read my thoughts.

 Its kind of interesting actually. I think this is the third or fourth time that we have held "eerily similar" positions.  Certainly there are bound to be some overlapping opinions in everyones beliefs but this has happened a number of times now =P  And to make it all the more odd there are plenty of things we severely disagree on. 


Clearly this is part of the conspiracy =P I blame Wii Fit! 

To Each Man, Responsibility