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Famine said:

"In 1977, Congress appointed the Congressional Select Committee on Assassinations to investigate the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Dr. Baden was in charge of the forensic-pathology investigation, assembling a panel to review autopsy reports, photographs, X-rays, and clothing. As he reported before Congress, no forensic pathologist has ever examined the body of the President. Instead, Washington hospital pathologists who had no training or experience in gunshot wounds bungled what was an "incomplete" autopsy, mistaking an entrance wound for an exit one, and placing the fatal head wound four inches lower than it was. In addition, photos were not done by a professional, the bullet track was not traced, and the notes were re-copied. After examining the scars on John Connally and sending bullet fragments found on the stretcher to a lab, Baden testified there had been one shooter: Lee Harvey Oswald."

  • The Committee investigated until 1978, and in 1979 issued its final report, concluding that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, probably as a result of a conspiracy.


Dueling quotes! So Baden thought one thing and the Committee concluded something else. Why is that?