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Why is it that everytime I go to the bathroom in some public place the toilet is never flushed (and this is specifically not the urinal but the toilet)?  Did you people just not get taught right?  After you take a piss, you flush.  It doesn't matter if you're in a public bathroom or not because nobody else wants to take a piss in your piss.  It's just disgusting.

So specifically to those people that don't flush: why?  Do you really think you're going to save yourself some disease by not touching the toilet handle but still touching the stall handle?  How can you really stand being that disgusting?  Do you not care when you go to the bathroom the toilet already has stuff in it?

Just for the record to anyone that doesn't flush: I hate you more than pirates and you really can burn in Hell for all I care.  You're not particularly evil, but you are disgusting and dirty.