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iron_megalith said:

disolitude said:

 Imagine a family where a Dad and his two sons want to play Halo against each other.  With the Xbox One, they would only need one copy of Halo, now with the changed rules, they need to buy three.

I'm sorry.... What!? Wasn't the sharing thing works this way,

-> you have it in your library

->your family member(in the family list) can use it when you're not playing it

->no two members can use the same game at the same time.

->when you are playing it, no other people can play it.

I refuse to believe that MS is that lax with this rule.  You are entitled to 1 copy which belongs and is registered to the only one who purchased it. Isn't this what they're pushing with their policies?

Unless I'm mistakening, this guy already is spewing bullshit in the article and calling people idiots.

I believe the "family plan" works like this.


You can have 10 people in your 'family group'.

They can be ANY 10 people who agree to join up in a group, period.

You can only be in one Family group(no details on how/if you can leave and then join another).

When one person in this 'family group' purchases a game, they get a license, and a 'share copy'.

That one person who bought the game always has access to said game, as they are the ONLY holder of the original purchase license.

The other 9 people in the 'family group' can use the 'share copy', just not concurrently with each other.

But any one of the 9 playing the 'shared copy' CAN play concurrently with the original license holder.

If one of the 'Family group' is using the shared license, then all other 'family group' members who do not own an original game license must wait until that person is done playing before being able to access the shared copy.

If the original license holder trades the game in at a store, or gifts the game to someone outside of the 'family group', then access to the 'share copy' goes away with it.


I also read somewhere that unless you are playing with the original owner you cannot access the online portions of the "shared" version. When playing alone it is strictly for the single player portions.


Overall it was a really cool feature and I am sure they will find a way to make it work without the 24-hour checkup or destroying the 2nd hand market.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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