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Wow some guys in here are portraying Sony as if they are gods. Believe me after owning several Sony Products and I still buy them I just have to tell you that they suck at being the good guys - in some things
The xperia phones suck at giving the consumers good vaue after their purshase, updates takes forever!
My Vaio PCs Always seem to bring me headache because of small problems every where
- My Sony receiver is a excellent beast!
My Bravia TV is a massive clusterfuck even though it is pretty new Christmas 2012
THne I have my Vita which I seriously love but it is in the same boat as the Xperia phones after release they get forgotten

Who's to say the Playstation won't take a bite out of the other's divisions book of evil and terrible??

Don't get me wrong here I love and hate my Sony Products but portraying them as if they were gods is just so wrong on so many levels