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The level of arrogance and myopic vision is the same.

Sony's $600 "supercomputer tech" media box shit was dumb as bricks, driven by a blatantly dishonest smoke-and-mirrors campaign set to oversell the convoluted Cell. But there was still a chance for the system to improve over time, as pricing went down and devs got used to working with the technology. The DRM and the doubling down on Kinect is worse to me, because both would weigh on my decision to buy a Xone at any price, let alone $100 more than the PS4. The "watercooler" TV and media nonsesne just adds insult to injury.

MS today is as overconfident as Sony was back then. They're so sure that they've got their current-gen audience on lock that they can go hog wild and get away with it. I don't think it'll work out any better for MS than it did with Sony.

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.
