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JinxRake said:
It kind of amazes me that the used game polemics are so discussed, and the idea that gaming will die because of it...but throughout this generation I've seen companies thrive in spite of it.

It honestly amazes me that it's discussed at all, and especially in the way that it is. I was just watching Bonus Round on GameTrailers, and Jason Rubin was bellyaching about how "money was leaking out of the ecosystem" because publishers don't get a cut of used games. But why should they? How on Earth can someone think it is unfair to publishers that they sold a copy of a game at whatever price they asked for it, and now they have no more right to expect even more money for that same copy if it should change hands again in the future? This doesn't happen in any other industry under the sun, and no one expects it to. Something tells me that if Cliffy is forced to sell his Lambo in a few years because, I don't know, no one wants to hire his troll ass, he's not going to feel compelled to give Volkswagen a cut.