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So I wasn't really paying attention to the new gen consoles back in 2006. Judging by various reactions back then, sony was arrogant beyond belief with $599 and get 2 jobs comment. Microsoft now in 2013 seems to be pretty damn arrogant and the negativity is just wow for this console. I didn't really see the drm/24 hour thing to be a deal breaker like some, but ultimately what drove me to ps4 was the price diff. Not really the point though, but microsoft seems to just keep going with the arrogant comments. One example is

No internet, get a 360-seriously, you couldn't just pr spin the xbox one somehow

Oh, something about the military too, can't remember

There pr in general seems to be in complete shambles, people contradicting each other left and right. It's almost as if they are making this up as they go along. They can prob do well if they get there shit together since some will flock to it due to there exclusives despite all the shortcomings and price diff.